Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I will continue to blog here
mile marker 41

Well, the battery swap worked. We swapped batteries back in Indianapolis and I made it to my driveway. I got home around 4:30 yesterday. I went back out later to put the bike away, it wouldn't start!
So that's the end of this trip. I'm glad we did it. I'm glad I got to do it with my Dad. I don't think the magnitude of the trip has really set in yet. Now that I'm not "on" the trip and I'm starting to think back and recall portions.... WOW! that was a TRIP! That first saturday in the car wash waiting out the rain seems so long ago. We ended up doing 10 days and around 4800 miles. It's gonna be hard for us to top that. Mexico? Australia? ;-)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
stranded in St. Louis ! 400 mi from home
Our plan.... put dad's battery in my bike, push start his, it will charge my battery as we ride. Rinse and repeat as necessary.
hopefully it will get me home.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
conquered the Rockies today
The Bill Blue Multi Tool
- Grab a handful of tools. Make sure you have some screwdrivers with plastic handles as the plastic will be used for adhesive.
- Place tools in a container of your choice. I used a 'leather like' River Road saddle bag.
- Set that sumbitch on fire.
- There you have it, be the envy of your friends!

melted a hole in my saddle bag!
Friday, June 26, 2009
L.A. to Vegas yesterday....
map of Route 66 in the crapper!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
An evening with Jeff and Di

We spent the night with our cousin Diane and her husband Jeff. They greeted us at the driveway and motioned us into their garage and treated us like we were royalty! WOW! It was so cool. Their house is unbelievable and their hospitality surpasses words. They had cold beer waiting and giant filets that Jeff grilled to perfection.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
the aspire is back online!
Made it to Barstow, CA last night. Rode through the Mojave desert in the middle of the night. The air was so hot I had a full face helmet on with the shield down to keep the air off my face.
I'll post some pics from the last few days soon... We are fixing to head to L.A.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mobile Blog
Sunday, June 21, 2009
first mechanical failure

one of my support brackets on my fairing broke in Springfield, Mo today. Now my fairing is laid back against my bar risers. It also popped out the guage hole plug when it broke. I wedged a pair of leather gloves in between and it rode fine like that. These brackets done hold the fairing on , just stiffen it up a bit.
make that a 12 hour ride to OKC...
dad just checked his bike, we did 490 today. Amarillo tomorrow!
somewhere south of st. louis

we did almost 500 miles yesterday. Not bad considering we left at noon, made a visit in Indy, and waited out a thunderstorm in a carwash in Illinois (100 miles from Missouri).

Here we are waiting out a major downpour in Illinois.... We pulled off the road, into this car wash and 15 seconds later it started pouring...

Saturday, June 20, 2009
we are leaving at NOON!
I'm still feeling pretty crappy. Not sure how much riding I'll be good for today. I got whooped just mounting my stuff! Still coughing and snottin.
Next update... from the road!
Friday, June 19, 2009
tomorrow... and here's what I've got left to do
2. install seal between inner and outter fairing - DONE!
3. lube all linkage and cables - DONE!
4. Mount iPod
5. Install saddle bags and T-Bag
6. Pickup supplies - DONE!
7. Install side wind deflectors
8. A good washin'
9. Fix my clever lever (throttle lock) - DONE!
10. Put together a tool kit
11. Possibly install some baffles if I get 'em in time. - Didn't order
Thursday, June 18, 2009
1 day til launch... I'm *almost* ready
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Road Tested

I will be trying a bunch of new stuff on this trip. From butt powder to new boots and from a rain suit I hope to never use to a fairing from a Harley Davidson.

A (proposed) Route
View Route 66 Trip in a larger map
4 days... and I'm sick as a dog!
Monday, June 15, 2009
5 days...
1. Balance front wheel
2. install seal between inner and outter fairing
3. lube all linkage and cables
4. Mount iPod
5. Install saddle bags and T-Bag
6. Pickup supplies
7. Install side wind deflectors
8. A good washin'
9. Fix my clever lever (throttle lock)
10. Put together a tool kit
11. Possibly install some baffles if I get 'em in time.
yikes! that sounds like A LOT!
120 miles and nothing fell off !

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Finished at Midnight!
Can anyone name that tune?
Finished up at around midnight. First road test will be this morning and then a ride up to Lima this afternoon. Should be a good 'shakedown'.
Once again, a big THANK YOU! to my brother-in-law Charles. He stayed still it was done last night and did all the electrical work. It would have never occured to me to pull 3 pieces of 14ga wire 6 ft long through a piece of heat shring tubing, but man, did it look good when we were done! I was going to use some crappy looking wire loom!
Another big THANK YOU! to Matt for always being there with supplies and hardware! ;-)
Friday, June 12, 2009
slowly making progress... 7 days til launch
I got my rear wheel back on tonight. Tomorrow I remove my tank and run my power wires from the battery up to the fairing. Also hope to get my crash bars mounted.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
all that AND a free shirt
Blue OUT!
should be GOLDEN Pony !!! $$$$$!!!
Yowza! I went about a Ben Franklin over what I planned at Iron Pony tonight. Their "in store" prices are WAY higher than their "on line" prices. No haggle either. The crash bar I wanted online is like $167... in store... $200! I ended up getting the FAT bars at the left for $215. Battery, I was thinking it would be $70..... cheapest one, $99. I got the best I could buy for $115. Throw in a couple other things such as a cable luber and lube... $370 out the door!
So I was bumming about spending all that cash and then got a call that my fairing was next door at my Father-in-Laws. Chuck got it all done and it was waiting . WOW! Chuck did a kick ass job and did it in a hurry! This thing ROCKS. Sony XPLOD marine grade head unit with IPOD connector, 2 Polk Audio 5.25" and 2 Polk Audio 4" speakers. NICE!
Thanks to Matt for making the aluminum trim/bracket for the stereo and supplying me with ideas and hardware... and Charles for putting it all together. You guys made this happen.
work work work...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Balancing Act of 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Progress today! I got the oil and filter changed and I got my rear wheel pulled off. My Dad will help me install the new
keep the rubber side down...